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  • Writer's pictureMadrabbott

Beast vs Beast - a "How to" tutorial

Photography has always been a passion of mine from a young age. My father gave me my first camera when I was about 15. Since then I have moved on from walking around the garden photographing plant and bees to, lets say, subject matter that requires a bit more work and skill.

Within my blog, i am going to be setting some tutorials of how I shot and composed images. I wont give away too much of my post-editing as this is my USP (unique selling point). <-- Fancy marketing lingo I am learning through my studies. (STOKED!!!)

In the past 3 years, I use to work with a magazine company, and I had the opportunity to shoot a while range of genres. My all-time favourite to this day remains automotive photography. That's why this post will be about how I got the shots I got. I will illustrate them in a diagram format and explain my idea and settings too.

Firstly, let us look at the image above (at the start of the blog), many of you might agree that its quite an impactful shot, A; its lit up really well, B; it gives credit to the cars and C; it creates emotion and aggression.

Below is a diagram of my positioning and how I composed the shot above:

As you can see, I used the sun's position and flare to my advantage. But with this in mind, one has to balance the sun out by the means of artificial lighting, therefore a flash and soft-box were used. Make sure that when you are using flash sources that the flash does not blast the cars lines. In other words it should not be noticeable that the flash is there...

For this shot my settings were as follows:

• Focal length: 24mm

• Aperture: f.5.6

• iso: 500

The editing process

With most of my edits, you will often see a great pairing between, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop (I will let this simmer until the next blog post where I will go a bit more indepth...).

Until we blog again

Madrabbott (ryan abbott)

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